Rights of netizens in Cyber World (cyber law notes chapter- 6)



Privacy and freedom issues in cyber security with reference to ICT law take on important new meaning in cyberspace. Privacy and freedom of expression is said to be universally known as any individual's fundamental right. But when we talk about these rights in terms of cyberspace, the meaning comes out to be very different. Our constitution have various laws regarding this, how these laws play a different role when evaluating online and offline privacy and freedom of expression. This comes to be true when the source of information is outside the jurisdiction of those endeavoring to control speech.

The cyber-world is both informational and interactive with lots of autonomy. Everything is available on the internet, which people do for their personal convenience, including personal details, professional details, bank details, and even private keys of individuals. All this information can lead to serious privacy risk. Along with that how much private data of an individual should be accessible to the government. Also, Hate speech on the internet, or speech designed to target, oppress or incite hatred or violence against a person or group based on cast, creed, race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or another group characteristic, do not get affected by locations, time and boundaries. Due to the freely available internet services worldwide, incidents of profane talk has become known throughout the world within seconds and can cause serious repercussion. India presently does not have any specific legislation governing data protection or privacy, especially in ICT law.

However, the right to privacy deals with freedom of expression under The Constitution of Bangladesh but still there work is not actively involved when it comes to cybercrime. Although Bangladesh has come up with ICT Act, of 2006 and the subsequent amendment to it in 2016 yet it is not able to cover the complete boundaries of cybercrimes, like a very crucial issue of right to privacy. This only shows the imbalance between age-old procedures adopted in Bangladesh and the advancement which Bangladeshi society has made. The session focuses on the dynamics of the cyber world with respect of privacy concerns and freedom issues with special reference to cyber laws of countries like India, the European Nations and the United States of America. The problem of how to reconcile all the conflicting claims arising out of the issues of privacy in the context of Internet exposure and the right to freedom of speech. The paper will raise all these issues and discuss the legal implications on the intrusion of the freedom of speech along with some case studies on privacy intrusion.


The right to privacy is an element of various legal traditions to restrain governmental and private actions that threaten the privacy of individuals."2 Over 150 national constitutions mention the right to privacy.

Since the Global surveillance disclosure of 2013, initiated by ex- NSA employee Edward Snowden, the inalienable human right to privacy has been a subject of international debate. Government Agencies, such as the NSA, CIA, R&AW and GCHQ, have engaged in mass, global surveillance.

Some current debates around the right to privacy include whether privacy can co- exist with the current capabilities of intelligence agencies to access and analyze many details of an individual's life; whether or not the right to privacy is forfeited as part of the social contract to bolster defense against supposed terrorist threats; and whether threats of terrorism are a valid excuse to spy on the general population.

Private sector actors can also threaten the right to privacy particularly technology companies such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Yahoo that use and collect personal data. These concerns have been strengthened by a scandal, including the Facebook, Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which focused on the philosophic company Cambridge Analytica use personal data from Facebook to influence large groups of people


Internet pornography is any pornography that is accessible over the Internet, primarily via websites, or peer-to-peer file sharing, availability of widespread public access to the World Wide Web in late 1990s led to the growth of Internet pornography.

A 2015 study finds "a big jump" in pornography viewing over the past few decades, with the largest increase occurring between people born in the 1970s and those born in the 1980s. While the study's authors note this increase is "'smaller than conventional wisdom might predict," it's still quite significant. Children born in the 1980s onward are also the first to grow up in a world where they have access to the Internet beginning in their teenage years, and these early or Usenet newsgroups. The exposure and access to Internet pornography may be the primary driver of the increase." The sex and tech conference series are Electronika dedicated their 2007 conference to what they call pro-innovation. The con presented a keynote by culture theorist Mark Dery and published a reader about the subject.

The Internet is an international network and there are currently no international laws regulating pornography; each country deals with Internet pornography differently. Generally, in the United States, if the act depicted in the pornographic content is legal in the jurisdiction that it is being distributed from then the distributor of such content would not be in violation of the law regardless of whether it is accessible in countries where it is illegal. This does not apply to those who access pornography, however, as they could still be prosecuted under local laws in their country. Due to enforcement problems in anti-pornography laws over the Internet, countries that prohibit or heavily restrict access to pornography have taken other approaches to limit access by their citizens, such as employing content filters.

In response to concerns with regard to children accessing age-inappropriate content, the adult industry, through the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP), began a self-labeling initiative called the Restricted to Adults label (RTA). This label is recognized by many web filtering products and is entirely free to use.



Cyberbullying or cyber-harassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyber harassment are also known as online bullying. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded and technology has advanced. Cyberbullying is When someone, typically a teenager, bullies or harasses others on the internet and in other digital spaces, particularly on social media sites. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a victim's personal information, or pejorative labels (i.e. hate speech), Bullying or harassment can be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to harm. Victims of cyberbullying may experience lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of negative emotional responses including being scared. frustrated, angry, or depressed.


Cyberbullying, cyber-harassment and cyber-stalking are all the same. Because they all include one form or the other of...

  • ·        Insults or degradation
  • ·        Threat to harm
  • ·        Spreading rumors or defamation
  • ·        Identity theft
  • ·        Constant provocation

In one form or the other. So what it is that sets them apart? Short answer: age.

It is generally believed that when both parties are minors, the act would be considered cyberbullying, If one or both sides of the act are adults, then we've touched the cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment territory. Another thing that a cyber-stalker would do that your everyday cyberbully would not is that they would know all the times you come online. They would find out all the social media outlets on which you are available and bug you on every single one of them.

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